After years of working on planes, lecturing students at a Agricultural College and working for a company that sold agricultural equipment Jaco Pieters, Founder and owner of BJP Supplies/Rumax, started his company in his backyard at the end of 1999.
Jaco got involved with the farming community of the Western Cape and soon came to realise that there was a need amongst the farmers for products that could make the feeding process easier. He started to build products for farmers that they needed and in 2000 the first feed mixer was sold. From their small and humble beginnings Rumax has never looked back. Today the factory also manufactures hammer mills, pellet machines, muck spreaders and mechanical trimming blades.
Rumax understands agriculture, that is why we manufacture and design our products with our clients’ unique needs in mind. We strive to always deliver exceptional service and high-tech solutions to make life a lot easier.
Om slim te boer beteken dat ՚n wyse boer heeltyd moet seker maak dat sy boerdery se somme klop. Dit strek verder as net die inkomstes en uitgawes balanseer, want ՚n boer moet ook die winsmarge van elke plaas bedryf bereken om ՚n produktiewe, winsgewende boerdery te verseker – een wat van krag tot krag kan groei.
Die goeie, gesonde ou spreekwoord van “Jy is wat jy eet” geld ook vir plaasdiere. Diere wat rantsoene eet wat met ՚n Rumax-voermenger gemeng is, is wins in die boer se sak.
Jy kan baie goed op my plaas kom vat, maar nie my Rumax konsentraatmenger nie,” sê Carlo Nortje van Loxton. Hy het uitgewerk dat hy oor die afgelope sewe maande sedert hy die menger aangeskaf het, 22 dae van sy eie tyd bespaar het.